The crowned heads of French philosophy and literature open the new season of Talks and Debates. What Sartre and De Beauvoir were for the twentieth century, Eribon, De Lagasnerie and Louis are to the here and now. Their work and ideas about politics, philosophy and literature are a wake-up call for the literary community. For the Opening Week, Bozar has invited them to deliver a keynote address that shines a spotlight on our two autumn themes – artistic couples and love. The trio will participate in a discussion moderated by La Première journalist, Pascal Claude.
Édouard Louis is the author of The End of Eddy, History of Violence, and Who Killed My Father, and the editor of a book on the social scientist Pierre Bourdieu. His books have been translated into thirty languages and have made him one of the most celebrated writers of his generation worldwide.
Didier Eribon is a prominent French sociologist and author on matters of social class, identity, sexuality and rebellion. He is internationally renowned for his biography of Michel Foucault and his groundbreaking memoir Returning to Reims.
Geoffroy de Lagasnerie is a philosopher and sociologist. He is a professor at the École nationale supérieure d’arts de Paris-Cergy and the author of 3: Une aspiration au dehors. Elogue de l’amitié (2023), amongst other works.