Spaghetti - AlexS

She walked down the street that ran parallel to the main street, the ‘butchers’ alley’. The air was suffocating. It was a little after two o’clock. She was sweating profusely and had a haut-le-cœur. She felt suffocated and covered her mouth with her hand. The smell of blood and dead meat was overwhelming and more than she could handle. She had never liked it.

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City Sparrow - Loretta FAHY

Sparrow likes hanging around handbags and shoes

waiting for the flecks of cured meats and truffle infused 

breads to fall from the fingers of those above.

Sparrow was born under the restaurant eves 

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Ersatz, 2021 - Patrick ten Brink

Sticks and stones will make my bones and words can always break you,” sang Hex as she pressed moss onto her forearm in the moonlight. But her flesh, while soft, was green. Hex added leaf after leaf. “Skin smells good,” she murmured, “but they will know.”

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