Don't miss our upcomig show featuring Israeli illustrator Yuval Robichek.
Born in Haifa, Israel in 1959, Robichek’s illustrations come like a breath of fresh air in the often too heavy political climate of the Middle East. True to the mentality of the Tel Aviv “Bubble” where he now lives, Robichek’s subject is as a-political as can be. He takes his inspiration straight from the streets and the sea shores which he loves. When asked when and where he was happiest he does not hesitate and says right now in Tel Aviv.
Robichek in real life is as pictural and full of humour as his illustrations. His most prized possession are his headphones, yet the trait he most deplores in people is their inability to listen, his biggest extravagance are his children and the trait he most deplores in himself is his inability to make money. We can all identify in one or more of his many illustrations and depictions of modern life, relationships and dreams and that is why we all love his drawings and one should not miss them.